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Software Enabled Network Application – SENA

A CRM or Customer Relationship Management tool is something that we highly regard.  We have developed a CRM specific to project management called SENA.

SENA is an application (available from the Apple Store or Google Play) that allows full transparency and access to all appropriate stakeholders eg: builders and contractors.  franchisees, agents and property owners.

This app enables all authorised users to upload and download all documents, quotes, receipts, payments, contracts, etc., in relation to all facets of your project.

The app allows authorised users to upload and download all documents in relation to all facets of your project, including but not limited to customer details, quotes, contracts, receipts, payments, required building registrations and insurance as well as before and after photos of the works.

It enables collaboration between builders, valuers, financiers and franchisees to drawdown payments and complete projects whilst keeping paperwork up to date in the app.

It is imperative that once you have identified a potential client that you also upload all information into the SENA application (if it is not forthcoming or available initially, you will need to upload the information when supplied). This will centralise the information for all parties and allows all stakeholders to follow and systematically initiate, manage and update all stages of the project. It is a tool that will also allow people to gauge the state of the property and will form the basis of quotes, valuations and prospective further projects.

How to utilise the SENA application and create your account and project is described and charted further in a user manual, we will also provide demonstration videos.

The application is one of the most integral cogs in our business, you can make it one of yours.  Contact us today.

SENA Property Group

​​Suite 805/1 Queens Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004, Australia
Tel: 03 9863 7852